我的游戏,我的话。作者:Bryan Robson

My game in my words. By Bryan Robson

As Manchester United and England captain in the 1980s, Bryan Robson was called “Captain Marvel”, a fearless and inspirational player for club and country – though one constantly beset by injuries.

在20世纪80年代,作为曼联和英格兰队的队长,布莱恩-罗布森被称为 "奇迹队长",他是俱乐部和国家的一名无畏和鼓舞人心的球员--尽管他经常受到伤病的困扰。

Robson was viewed as one of the most complete midfielders in England and described by Sir Alex Ferguson as a “miracle of commitment”. The most expensive player in British football when he moved from his first club West Brom to Old Trafford in 1981, this childhood Newcastle fan lifted the FA Cup three times with United and the European Cup Winners’ Cup in 1991. He played 90 times for England, 65 as captain.

罗布森被视为英格兰最完整的中场球员之一,被弗格森爵士描述为 "承诺的奇迹"。1981年,当他从他的第一个俱乐部西布朗转会到老特拉福德时,他是英国足球界最昂贵的球员,这位童年时代的纽卡斯尔球迷在曼联三次捧起足总杯,并在1991年捧起欧洲优胜者杯。他为英格兰队出场90次,其中65次担任队长。

Ahead of the release of ROBBO: The Bryan Robson Story, a feature-length biopic of his career which is out on November 29, Robson sat down with The Athletic to pick out the most memorable moments of his career and explain his game in his words.

在《罗博:布莱恩-罗布森的故事》(ROBBO: The Bryan Robson Story)发行之前,罗布森与《运动员》坐下来,挑选出他职业生涯中最难忘的时刻,并用他的话解释他的比赛。

Manchester United 3-5 West Brom – Division One, December 30, 1978


We were quite a confident side at that time. Ron Atkinson had built a decent team with Ally Brown, Cyrille Regis and Laurie Cunningham. We had Tony Brown in midfield with me and Len Cantello. So we knew we could score goals. We had a really solid back four too. John Wile and Ally Robertson were a little bit like Steve Bruce and Pally (Gary Pallister) — they never got injured and just played all the time. We felt that if the club had brought another couple of top players in — and there was talk about Trevor Francis from Birmingham City — we had a real chance of challenging Liverpool for the title. Our squad wasn’t as strong as the best and as soon as we got a couple of injuries or suspensions, we were short.


But we were at full strength against United and what I love about that game is that I still get fans of United who speak to me about that match, saying it was one of the best games they’ve seen at Old Trafford. It’s not often the home fans talk about the games they’ve lost being among the greatest but it was a great game. Ron said in my film that Gary Bailey (United’s goalkeeper) was man of the match and it’s true we had other chances, but so did United. It was end-to-end. 


West Brom had a real hardcore away following. So many of them at Old Trafford that day think it was the best game they ever played. Our team spirit was exceptional and I took the team bonding I learned from West Brom to Old Trafford — a day out every three months. We’d go to Worcester races from West Brom or Sandwell golf course. Mr Millichip, our chairman, would invite everybody from the club to his house for a garden party at the start of every season. We weren’t allowed to drink; we took our wives and kids. United were too big a club to do that but I would have a BBQ in my garden, with all the wives and kids there. 


France 1-3 England – World Cup, June 16, 1982

法国1-3英格兰 - 世界杯,1982年6月16日

I scored what was thought at the time to be the quickest goal in World Cup history, after 27 seconds. The day before the game we practised a routine from a Kenny Sansom throw from the left. Terry Butcher or Paul Mariner would try and flick the ball onto me — and I’d make a late run behind the defence. Steve Coppell remarked that he could do the throw — from the right. Don Howe, the coach, asked him to show how far he could throw it. Steve had a terrific throw, which nobody knew. At the start of the game, Steve did that throw to the near post, Terry flicked it on and I met the ball on the volley to hook it in. I got a gold watch for that, which I still have. 

我在27秒后打进了当时被认为是世界杯历史上最快的进球。在比赛的前一天,我们从肯尼-桑索姆的左路抛球中练习了一套动作。特里-布彻或保罗-马里纳会试着把球传给我--然后我在防守队员身后做一个后撤。史蒂夫-科佩尔说,他可以做这个动作--从右边。教练唐-豪(Don Howe)让他展示一下他能投多远。史蒂夫有一个非常棒的投球,没有人知道。在比赛开始时,史蒂夫把球扔到了近门柱上,特里把球弹了出去,我迎着球一脚把球踢进了球门。我因此得到了一块金表,我现在还保留着。

I loved that England kit, the Admiral one. It’s amazing that Eric Cantona, in my film, said he preferred my second goal in that game, a header from a Trevor Francis cross. And I think he’s right, it was more difficult. It was an amazing game, England’s first in the World Cup since 1970. France got to the semi-final and were unlucky, while we were unlucky with the format of the tournament. We thought that if we beat France then we’d top the group. We beat France, but then Germany finished second in their group as they’d lost to Algeria. Northern Ireland then went and beat Spain.


So, instead of us being grouped with Austria and Northern Ireland in the second group, we were in with Germany and Spain. We drew both games 0-0 and went out. It was weird, going out of the competition after being unbeaten in five games and conceding only one goal. 


We’d been confident before the World Cup. It was unfortunate that Kevin Keegan had his back problem, which limited him to 25 minutes in the last game. Trevor Brooking was also injured too and only played the last half hour of the last game.


But back to Bilbao and that first game. It was roasting. Paul Mariner lost around 10 pounds, the rest of the lads around seven pounds. Paul and I were called in for drug tests after the game with two of the French lads. We were so dehydrated and sat there for 45 minutes. It was impossible to wee so I asked the doctor if it was possible to have a beer. The French lads didn’t understand what was going on, but they did when the doctor came back with two beers. They then asked for beers. So we sat there and had a drink together. After 15 minutes, I could go to the toilet. Paul couldn’t and missed the team bus. 


At two in the morning, I got a phone call from my wife Denise’s dad to say she had given birth to Charlotte, our second daughter. That was like scoring a hat-trick. 


Arsenal 1-2 Manchester United – FA Cup semi-final, April 16, 1983


This was a cracking game. We’d lost the Milk Cup final at Wembley to Liverpool but I was injured and couldn’t play. I was gutted, so I was happy to be back playing in the FA Cup semi-final a few weeks later. We’d knocked Arsenal out of the Milk Cup in the semi-finals and here they were again. Tony Woodcock put them in front. Villa Park was one of my favourite grounds to play at, a traditional, big, English football ground. The pitch was big, massive even and the surface quite good.


We were 1-0 down at half-time but I equalised in the second half from the edge of the penalty area. Ashley Grimes went down the left and put the ball into me — I was making a run across the area to meet it. I chested it forward to get away from my man, turned and hit it with my left foot into the corner right in front of our fans. 


Norman Whiteside hit a corker to send us to Wembley. I remember the celebrations after this one, they were rowdy. Kevin Moran, our centre-half, had more than his fair share of cuts and bruises. He was a brave player and always in the wars so it was no surprise to see him carried off near the end of the match, waving to the crowd as he went. He was all stitched up and ready to enjoy the fun when we got back to the dressing room. We threw Mick Brown, our physio, in the bath but as he flew through the air he caught Kevin’s forehead and opened up the wound again. He went off for another five or six stitches while the rest of us tried unsuccessfully to hide our laughter. 


Brighton & Hove Albion 0-4 Manchester United – FA Cup final replay, June 25, 1983


That was the season I left West Brom — to win trophies. West Brom sold Laurie Cunningham to Real Madrid and Len Cantello to Bolton just after I’d signed a four-year contract when they told me that they were going to keep all the squad and that Trevor Francis was the main man on their hit list. They didn’t buy anybody.


I went to see the manager Ronnie Allen and told him that I wanted to win things in my career, not just earn money. So I joined Manchester United (for a British record £1.5 million). It took us over a year but we won the FA Cup and I scored a couple of goals in the final. It was a great feeling, my first major trophy, though I’d won the second division with West Brom.


By 1983 I was Manchester United captain. I was vocal and aggressive when I wanted to be, tackling-wise. I felt I led by example and if lads were getting idle or ducking out of a challenge, I would hammer them, really hammer them. They didn’t sulk. It doesn’t happen the same now, they sulk.


I would have a go at any of my team-mates. Some, like Arthur Albiston, a really good full-back, had a fiery temper and would come back at me if he thought I was wrong. Whiteside would kick his own granny. Paul McGrath, Kevin Moran. Hard men, they could all take it. None of them had a go at me because I never did anything wrong! I was only trying to motivate them because I wanted to get the best out of them so that we could win together.


In later years, lads like Mark Hughes or Steve Bruce would have a go at me if I did something wrong. I was fine with that. That team in 92, 93 and 94 was the best group of players I ever played with. Aggression, ability and real athletes through the whole team. 


Manchester United 3-0 Barcelona – UEFA Cup Winners’ Cup quarter-final second leg, March 21, 1984

曼联3-0巴塞罗那 - 欧洲优胜者杯四分之一决赛第二回合,1984年3月21日

When Cristiano Ronaldo rejoined Manchester United, the atmosphere was incredible for the Newcastle game. But it still wasn’t as good as when we came from 2-0 down to beat Barcelona. We’d had chances over there too, but maybe if we’d got an away goal we wouldn’t have gone for it like we did at Old Trafford.


The fans kept us going, they never stopped, they kept us motivated and the adrenaline going. The pitch felt like it was shaking. It was the biggest crowd of the season, 58,000. But what about the fans who climbed the floodlight pylons to see? 


We got off to a great start when I headed in from a corner after 20 minutes. That got the crowd motivated and we really needed the fans. We planned to be aggressive and get stuck into Barcelona because they were a real class team. So we said we’d be high tempo and get wired into them. We did. When I scored our second goal we could see their heads drop and they started complaining to each other.


At 3-0, there was still a long time left and we’d put so much energy into the game that we had to be careful not to concede. We tired and they started to get their passing going. They missed a couple of chances late on which would have been devastating for us.


They had Bernd Schuster and Diego Maradona. Maradona claimed they should have won a penalty but it was never a penalty. I don’t think Old Trafford will ever beat the atmosphere of that night, unless the stadium goes back to terracing like it was then. 

他们有Bernd Schuster和Diego Maradona。马拉多纳声称他们应该赢得一个点球,但这根本不是一个点球。我认为老特拉福德球场永远不会超越那晚的气氛,除非球场回到了当时的梯田。

Manchester United 2-1 Liverpool – FA Cup semi-final replay, April 17, 1985


This is my favourite goal for Man United. It’s against Liverpool, the top team in a semi-final. Your big players have got to turn up in the big games because they are the ones who win you semi-finals and finals.


This was a replay at Maine Road after a 2-2 draw at Goodison. I played a one-two with Frank Stapleton. I could sense that Ronnie Whelan was catching me and thought, “I need to hit it before he gets a tackle in on me.” Luckily it was one of those shots which went straight into the top corner. We played really well against Liverpool and we were going to Wembley to play Everton, the champions that season. 


England 0-0 Netherlands – World Cup, June 16, 1990

英格兰0-0荷兰 - 世界杯,1990年6月16日

It was really disappointing to miss Mexico 86 from the second game but deep down I always knew I had a weakness with my dislocated shoulder. There was always the chance it would go on me and it did. 


In 1990, I went into the World Cup full of confidence. We’d just won the FA Cup, my fitness levels were really good and I thought that with the squad of players we really had a chance of doing well in the competition, especially with Gazza and the way he was coming on. 


Gazza could do things with a ball that I’d not seen any other players do and I’m talking about all the top England and Man United players. He could ghost past players; he could see a pass. He could score a great goal. I used to say to Gazza, “Don’t be stupid in your tackles, leave the tackles to me and you just get on with your game.” That was the understanding we had. We drew with Ireland in the first game and played the Netherlands in the second.


When my achilles tendon snapped it was devastating. I was sprinting to a ball in the second game against Holland and it went. My worst injury, easily. I knew I wasn’t going to recover, that it was the end of my World Cup, my third World Cup.


In Mexico, Bobby Robson had asked me to stay with the team after I was injured for the camaraderie. Big Ron (Atkinson) at United wasn’t happy with that but I stayed. Bobby asked me to stay again in 1990 but I knew how serious my injury was and needed to get back and have an operation.


Israel 1-2 England – February 26, 1986

以色列1-2英格兰 - 1986年2月26日

It wasn’t a significant game — though it was England’s first-ever game against Israel — but the goal won goal of the season. We played there ahead of the World Cup. The weather was likely to be good, England fans were unlikely to travel there to cause trouble.


But the goal is what I remember most. Glenn Hoddle put a pass through to me and I hit a right-foot volley — it wasn’t even a left-foot volley like some of my best ones — from 25 yards. It went right in the top corner, a special goal. We won 2-1. It was on the day of my 50th cap too.


As for my striking technique, I’d stay back at West Brom after training with Regis and Cunningham and do a bit of shooting to get my technique right with either foot. I’d carry this on at United with Norman Whiteside and Sparky (Hughes). Doing that every day helped. 


Now that I mention Israel, it reminds me of a Man United pre-season tour there. We saw a dead turtle on the beach and four of us lifted it onto a blanket. 


We got a local lad on a scooter and asked him to help — to drag the blanket to our hotel where we carried it into Mick Brown’s bathroom. Mick (the assistant manager) used to love smoking a cigar, so we put a cigar in the turtle’s mouth. And we put Mick’s hat on his head too. It was all ready for Mick to find it.


We walked back to the hotel a few hours later. The smell was horrendous. Mick still hadn’t been back to his room but we had to get the turtle out of his room and back onto the beach. I was one of the ring leaders. We had a lot of banter and did daft tricks on each other. We had a good team spirit with England too and took that into the Mexico World Cup.


Barcelona 2-1 Manchester United – UEFA Cup Winners’ Cup final, May 15, 1991

巴塞罗那2-1曼联 - 欧洲优胜者杯决赛,1991年5月15日

Not many people say this, but this was my best game for Manchester United. We’d been out of Europe for five years because of the ban on English clubs, yet we came back strongly and reached the final on a drizzly night in Rotterdam. It was a big deal that Hristo Stoichkov was out for them. 


When we warmed up, the stadium was two-thirds United and one-third Barcelona. That really motivated the lads. When we went back into the dressing room, Sir Alex said: “Look how many fans we’ve got compared to them. Are you going to let them down?”


The manager told us that we had to play a high-tempo game and be physical. The lads were. Sir Alex also said — and I’d never heard him say anything like this before — that Brian McClair had to man-mark Ronald Koeman because even though he played at the back, he set so much up from there. Brian did a fantastic job there and it frustrated Koeman, he was good when it came to listening about tactics and acting upon them.


It’s very difficult for a forward to mark a centre-half but it worked because they couldn’t get their passing going. Paul Ince and Lee Sharpe, two young lads, were nervous. Incey hadn’t gone out for the warm up so he didn’t sample the atmosphere and know what he was going to walk into. He still didn’t have his kit on when the bell went for us to go out. I said to him, “We have to be physical because they can play.” He was fine once it kicked off.


Sharpey was fast. Every time I got the ball in the first 25 minutes, I looked to put it over the full-back towards Sharpey because he couldn’t live with Sharpey’s pace. We kept turning Barcelona all the time because of his pace. They couldn’t play against us.


As for players I struggled against in my career, Tugay, the Turkish player was one. He played so deep and was a top player for Turkey and Galatasaray. He was clever, so intelligent on the ball. He didn’t come onto you, he stayed next to the centre-halves. I struggled to get close to him and he would manipulate the ball too — a bit like Scholesy — and hit good passes. You’d go into a 50/50 situation where you’d think, “Do I get close to him and mark him and lose protecting my centre-halves? Or the other way around?”


Manchester United 4-1 Oldham Athletic – FA Cup semi-final replay, April 13, 1994 


My last United goal. The boss had me sub in the first game at Wembley, even with Andrei Kanchelskis, Cantona and Roy Keane out suspended. I was thinking I’d have no chance of playing if those players were back for the replay at Maine Road. I was getting towards 37 so I was realistic, especially with players like Keane and Ince around. And the Class of 92 lads — I’d played with them in the Lancashire League and knew how good they were. They won everything. 


I knew I was leaving at the end of the season because the gaffer made it clear I wasn’t in his plans for the following season, which was fair enough given my age and the players he had coming through, so I was surprised to start. We won 4-1 and Kanchelskis was unplayable. I meant to head it in from a corner but it hit my body and went in. It wasn’t the greatest goal I’d scored, but it was my 99th and last for United.


I thought I’d have a chance of at least being on the bench for the final. The boss didn’t and that was disappointing, but I look back at my United career with great pride.
